100% of your donation goes to your sponsored child; 501-3c Non-Profit EIN#46-2559782

100% of your donation goes to your sponsored child; 501-3c Non-Profit EIN#46-2559782
Join our passionate team
and mission today!
Amboseli Children's Fund is committed to bringing about transformative change for Maasai children living with extreme need in the remote area of Amboseli, Kenya.
Our mission is to eliminate FGM and early marriage and improve the standard of living by providing access to education, entrepreneurial enterprises, clean water, food and housing.
Government assistance does not exist for these people. Without our help, they have little hope of breaking free of this cycle of poverty.
Education has been proven to be the single, most effective means of change and 100% of your donations go toward this endeavor.
Sponsored children receive a balanced diet, clean drinking water, toiletries, uniforms, books and tuition - even post-secondary education.
Our objective is not to simply get them through school; we also provide counseling and mentoring to ensure they can obtain viable employment or start their own business. ACF students will be leaders within their communities - bringing about change, advancement and a brighter future for generations to come. The impact is huge!
Please join Amboseli Children's Fund in our mission to give back to those less fortunate - give to our scholarship fund or sponsor a child today.
Joshua Tinayo is 11 years old and in grade 4. He is very smart in class and his teachers tell us he has great potential. He is the firstborn in his family and the only one currently attending school. His parents struggle with school fees and many times he has been sent home.
Josephine Mbiyio is in grade 2 and is 8 years old. Her father is a very old man who is unable to work, so her Mum is the provider and struggles to keep her in school. She walks far to get to her primary school but she is a determined learner; always finishing top in her class.
Ian Lemaron is 7 years old and in grade 1. He hails from a very disadvantaged background. His family does not own any livestock or assets. To support them, his father looks after livestock belonging to others. Ian loves going to school and his teachers say he has a lot of potential.
Find out more about Amboseli Children's Fund Overview and Mission
Five of our children were accepted into the prestigious Presentation Academy in Kimana. Caleb, Collins, Susan, Benson and little Amy. They had to sit for a personal interview plus an entrance exam. This is a faily new school and it's impressive even by U.S. standards!
Read more
We did it! Our "Give the Gift of Light" campaign was a huge success. With the addition of a solar kit (a panel, a battery and three lights) our families will be able to move the fire outside for cooking and still have light in the evenings along with a station for charging. School children can get their work done at night. Reading is now an option. This isn't just about light; it's about igniting hope and possibility!
ACF now has 7 students in universities! Read about their experiences firsthand as well as the recent trip to Kenya.
"Educate to Elevate" was the theme of the workshops and fieldtrips where we exposed the students to sights and experiences they had never imagined.
You can sponsor a child for less than $2 per day!