100% of your donation goes to your sponsored child; 501-3c Non-Profit EIN#46-2559782
100% of your donation goes to your sponsored child; 501-3c Non-Profit EIN#46-2559782
A nonprofit is as strong as the community that holds it up. Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to affect real change.
There are many ways to join us and support our mission. Do you have a group or club that would be open to a presentation about our program? Contact us to find out ways that you can get our message to your friends and family.
Madaraka Estate, Ole Sangale Rd, Nairobi, Kenya
Shari Young Co-Founder 949-350-3516 info@amboselichildrensfund.org
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and transform the lives of children in need!