100% of your donation goes to your sponsored child; 501-3c Non-Profit EIN#46-2559782
100% of your donation goes to your sponsored child; 501-3c Non-Profit EIN#46-2559782
What a wonderful time we had catching up with long time students and meeting our new additions! We presented a series of workshops for everyone in both Nairobi and the Amboseli region - with guest speakers (who are successful, educated Maasai) that spoke of their journey with education, career, business and entrepreneurship.
The children had an open forum to ask questions, discuss issues and challenges and make plans for their future. The older students toured three different Universities in Nairobi with Milton, Cynthia and Nelly giving them great counsel on what to expect.
We also evaluated and worked with the younger ones; to determine their progress since our last visit, make special arrangements as needed and encourage their efforts at school. Overall - the trip was a huge success and we were excited to see firsthand the impact of our efforts.
ACF feels it's vital to provide counseling and mentorship for these students if they are to succeed. Our objective is not to simply get them through school; rather we want to ensure they are able to pursue a chosen career, obtain a job or start a viable business. These students will be leaders within their communities - bringing about change, advancement and a brighter future for all!
Find out more about Amboseli Children's Fund 2024 trip to Kenya
Amboseli Children's Fund Kimana Day Out
Amboseli Children's Fund Student Highlight
Five of our children were accepted into the prestigious Presentation Academy in Kimana. Caleb, Collins, Susan, Benson and little Amy. They had to sit for a personal interview plus an entrance exam. This is a faily new school and it's impressive even by U.S. standards!
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ACF now has 7 students in universities! Read about their experiences firsthand as well as the recent trip to Kenya.
"Educate to Elevate" was the theme of the workshops and fieldtrips where we exposed the students to sights and experiences they had never imagined.
We did it! Our "Give the Gift of Light" campaign was a huge success. With the addition of a solar kit (a panel, a battery and three lights) our families will be able to move the fire outside for cooking and still have light in the evenings along with a station for charging. Schoolchildren can get their work done at night. Reading is now an option. This isn't just about light; it's about igniting hope and possibility!
ACF heads back to Kenya!
We're so excited to see all our students again in August. Lots of activities and workshops are scheduled as we strive to enhance their knowledge of what programs and careers are best suited for them.
Plus a campaign has been started to raise funds for a much needed vehicle...
One small group. Making a big difference. We've hit the ground running this year with our first 2 students graduation and 3 more headed to university!
Lots of good things are happening; including a collaboration with a local non-profit in Kajiado, a new sewing business for Anne and a trip back to Kenya in August for Shari.
One team. One community. A whole lot of support.
We've had some exciting things happening with ACF and the Amboseli community. First and foremost - many days of rain have finally brought an end to the 3 year drought in Kenya!
Sunday, March 21 was a very special day for ACF. The Church At Woodmoor, in Monument, CO prepared a scrumptious lunch for attendees to enjoy, followed by a presentation of the ACF program and mission. As a result, we received many generous donations to the Scholarship Fund and 6 new sponsors as well!
It's been quite a journey, filled with some challenging moments but also many triumphs & accomplishments.
And 2023 is off to a grand start with the Children's Ministry at The Church Of Woodmoor sponsoring 2 of our kids! Located in Monument, CO, ACF is also giving a presentation following the morning worship service on Sunday, March 26.
We did it! With the help of many generous folks we hit our $10,000 goal and have received the same amount in matching funds. Much appreciation goes to the couple that initiated this campaign - and everyone that contributed thereafter. These dollars will go such a long way in Kenya - we are ever so grateful!
ACF student Rose Nampaso was one of the students selected to receive this prestigious award and travel to Nairobi for the ceremony. While there, she had the opportunity to meet the Duke of Edinburgh, whose International Award Association oversees the program.
Post-secondary education is a must to breaking the cycle of poverty for these youth and bringing about real change. Other key components are career counseling, mentorship and future job placement. It is vital that we raise the money to cover these additional costs for our students going to university.
Persistence pays off for Nairobi University student Nelly Lasoi!
"It has always been my dream to be in the medical field. Now I wear a lab coat and am so proud to be one of the lucky few in the Pharmacy program!
While Kenya is still struggling with getting their population vaccinated, the kids have thankfully returned to school! Safety measures include sitting apart in classrooms, masks and hand sanitization.
Our months of not being able to attend, our students were quite excited to begin classes again.
Computer literacy is difficult for our students; even if they could somehow afford a computer, they lack electricity and internet in their homes. The Technology Empowerment Program is designed to teach students basic IT skills and programs. ACF recently sent two of their students to this course.
On our recent trip to Kenya, we brought gifts from our generous sponsors including new clothes for the kids, electronics and necessities. The children were all smiles as they showed off their new outfits and got to spend some fun time together. Parents traveled great distances to meet with us and join in the celebration!
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Check out this great video of Nelly talking about her life and thanking her sponsors.
Leonard speaks to group about sponsorship.